A deadly force encounter can have long term impact, here are some facts you should consider



Considering Concealed Carry?

Choosing to carry a firearm for protection is far more than just exercising your constitutional rights.  The decision to carry a firearm means you choose to put yourself in a position to use deadly force.   Should you use deadly force, your privacy, your future, or your financial security could all be placed in jeopardy.


Using deadly force will subject you to a criminal investigation.  Every aspect of your personal life will be used in the civil lawsuit that will likely follow, as your assailant attempts to sue you for your life savings. Your preparedness to wisely and legally use deadly force will be scrutinized.  Your training will be thoroughly examined and you could be discredited if you failed to adequately prepare yourself.


The State of Illinois mandates training in order to receive a concealed carry permit.  State mandated training has a very general outline and the instructor is allowed  a fair bit of discretion to fill in the gaps.  This is why it is so important to select a training course that goes beyond the minimums and that will ensure you the best opportunity for a successful outcome, both during and after a deadly force encounter.


The NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home (PPOTH) is the only nationally recognized concealed carry safety course.   Carefully prepared and examined by firearms and legal experts, this course has been put to the test and is backed by the NRA.  While the NRA provides a number of other basic courses, such as Basic Pistol and Personal Protection Inside the Home, only the PPOTH course covers the concealed carry aspects of firearms use.


Importantly, PPOTH is a specialized course that can only be taught by specially trained and qualified Instructors with advanced training.


While the NRA provides the best civilian instruction standards there is something to be said about Law Enforcement instruction.  Law Enforcement instructors bring “street savvy” and real-life experience to the training program. These instructors have been exposed to the practical outcomes of deadly force encounters and have deep value in the tactics and mindset that is required to win the fight.


The blend of  the NRA’s PPOTH course along with law enforcement experience provided by my training program is what makes it an exceptional experience.  When you graduate from my program you will receive not only the basic Illinois Certificate indicating you have met the minimum standards for the State, but you’ll also receive a PPOTH certificate along with the skills and knowledge of an advanced training program that provides the marksmanship, gun handling, tactical skills and mindset foundations you will need to help you prepare to overcome a deadly force encounter.


Should you become subject to an investigation you want  the security of knowing you made the best tactical and legal decisions to protect you and your family from the aftermath.  So, when it comes to your training, choose wisely.


Read what other instructors think, Opinion 1 Opinion 2